Today, PIERER Industrie AG informed the Management Board and Supervisory Board of LEONI AG that it will submit its own proposal for the re-election of the expiring Supervisory Board mandates at the next Annual General Meeting of LEONI AG.

Including the existing proxy voting rights, Pierer Industrie AG currently holds a total of 5,059,312 voting rights of LEONI AG; this corresponds to 15.49% of the voting rights and thus exceeds 10% of the share capital.

With the election proposal for up to 6 shareholder representatives, candidates will be nominated who bring the highest degree of industry and re-structuring experience to support the Management Board of LEONI AG in the strategical re-positioning of the company.

The necessary antitrust approval will be applied by Pierer Industrie AG in coordination with LEONI AG.

About the Pierer Industrie-Group:
The Pierer Industrie-Group is an Austrian industrial group with a focus on the production of „Powered- Two Wheelers“ and the automotive high-tech supply sector. The Group currently employs approx. 10,000 people worldwide with a group turnover of approx. EUR 2.8 billion.

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Contact Information:

Pierer Industrie AG
4600 Wels, Edisonstraße 1
Phone: +43 (0)7242 / 69402
Fax: +43 (0)7242 / 69402 / 109